Different governing bodies have their own requirements on top of national regulations and the EU directive. Depending on your region, we can offer a service that fits your requirements and fulfills your region’s regulations.

What is the EU directive?
In December 2013 the EU published directive 2013/59/EURATOM, which sets basic standards and minimum requirements regarding Radiation Protection throughout the EU.
- Cosmic Radiation tracking is mandatory if 1 millisievert per year may be exceeded
- Aircrew and other persons working on board are considered occupationally exposed
- Calculation of exposure is the recommended method
- Monthly dose has to be reported to National Dose Registers
- Member states can put additional and stricter rules in force
Regulations for Germany
Germany adopted the EU Directive 2013/59/EURATOM by implementing the new Strahlenschutzgesetz and Strahlenschutzverordnung.
- Calculation of dose with LBA-approved software
- Report of monthly doses to the LBA within 6 months of the flight
- Maximum Life-time dose of 400 millisieverts
- Radiation Protection Approval required before start of operations (§50 StrlSchG)
- Every Crewmember requires a radiation protection ID (SSR)

Regulations for Austria
Austria implemented EU Directive 2013/59/EURATOM by introducing the Strahlenschutzgesetz and implementing aircrew regulations into the Allgemeine Strahlenschutzverordnung.
- Calculation of dose only by ISO 17025 accredited labs and software
- Government approval for labs required
- Report of monthly doses to the central dose register within 6 months of the flight directly from the accredited laboratory
- No special training required for responsible persons
Regulations for Switzerland
Although not an EU member, the Swiss Confederation adopted similar rules regarding the occupational exposure of aircrew to cosmic radiation.
- Dose tracking required if 1 millisievert per year may be exceeded
- Calculation of doses using software approved by the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG)
- Report of monthly doses to the BAG within 6 months of the flight