ACD Research's Helios

ACD Research uses its own proprietary computer software to accurately calculate the radiation exposure of commercial aircrews.

Plane flying over a transmission tower
Airplane flying through the blue sky.

Aircrew dosimetry
for your flight crews' safety


We offer two basic levels of dosimetry service as well as a Radiation Protection Officer course satisfying the German regulation. Feel free to browse our services below, and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

About Our Company

Learn more about who we are and why our expertise translates to competence


Learn more about how our services can fit your needs. 


Learn the basics of aircrew dosimetry and how our software works.


Regulations vary depending on region. Learn more about your region here.


Helios is the only aircrew dosimetry solution based on the tried and true LUIN/PLOTINUS code.

The only analytical solution

Our software is the only current aircrew dosimetry software derived directly from real physics principles. In consequence, our software doesn’t risk becoming obsolete.

Non-vertical cutoff rigidity

Not all radiation incident on planet Earth approaches from the same direction. Our software takes this into account allowing a superior radiation field model yielding a more accurate dose.

Heliocentric potential

Radiation exposure is modulated by solar activity. Our software updates these values on an hourly basis allowing our dose values to reflect minute changes in solar activity.

Supersonic flight

We’re prepared for the future. Helios already has the capability to handle dosimetry for supersonic flights.

Contact us about our courses

Since 2020 Germany requires the responsible person for aircrew dosimetry to nominate qualified radiation protection officers. We can train your staff via webinar, on-site, or in-house to ensure your radiation protection officer is qualified and competent.


Get in touch with us